Hello, everyone. It's been a while since I've had the time to formulate another article. I know you guys have been all "Ohmigosh, where is he?! He said he would update regularly and It's been like forever since his last post! This is getting out of hand. Jamirus is the only reason I even go to this stupid site anymore! Every time I sit here and hit F5 to refresh the screen praying to goodness that a new and interesting post is submitted with that funky fresh Jamirus appeal I've come to know and love!" Well, specifically Gorilla, this post is for all you (1) guys and gals out there that have been waiting... and hoping... and sacrificing lambs for! YES! It's more music!
Speaking of Sacraficing and enjoying life and such, this one's a super special GSooG! ALL DEM FEELS. Here I will provide a list of songs that I find suitable for feelings that humans tend to have every now and then. Robots just can't understand. However, if they could, we would all be dest-
Greatest Sounds of our Generations: All Dem Feels!
Why did I pick this picture? It's fucking hideous. |