Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Little Pro Tip

Back up your important data. Then back up that data in two more locations, and then those two backups in eight more. If you don't have all your important files stored somewhere in your toothbrush or toaster, you're doing it wrong.


Here's what happened. Recently I had to move all my data from one computer to another or I would lose it. I moved it to an external hard drive, and then that hard drive started acting up. I quickly moved it to another hard drive. Then the first one went to shit and I breathed a sigh of relief. Just in time. Then the second one went tits up.

Everything. Gone.

Recovery programs only find a bunch of garbage data or nothing at all on any of the hard drives. Every single movie, picture, song, document etc. I've collected in the past 10 or so years, gone.

First hard drive that explodes, shame on me. Second hard drive that explodes, shame on the fucking universe.


  1. Oh dear god... I feel your pain, dude.

    My MacBook Pro was stolen about a year ago. Bastards got EVERYTHING.

    I still cry on the daily anniversary of its disappearance.

  2. Gorilla With Dog TreatsJuly 30, 2012 at 9:31 PM

    Ugh... man that sucks. I have a WD external drive, I'm an imbecile, so much so that I couldn't figure out how to use it after 5 minutes of trying, and got frustrated, then threw it somewhere and went to go eat something

  3. The ghost of Steve JobsAugust 1, 2012 at 6:52 PM

    That's why you should upload EVERYTHING to the cloud!
